Julio Arana
Born in Guadalajara Mexico and raised in Orange County, he has been playing drums for 15 years. Julio comes from a long line of musicians, mostly violin players starting with his grandfather, uncles and cousins. He grew up watching his grandfather play and tour was immersed in music from a young age. In fact his first instrument was the Violin, but growing up with Rock n Roll around the house, he soon discovered that drums was his focus. Watching those videos on MTV made him dream of his own Tommy Lee like Kit and soon, he began banging on anything and everything he could. Julio is versatile in all sounds including, rock, funk, hip pop, metal, punk and jazz. He has played with countless acts in different styles and loves playing live. He lives for it, the crowd, the sweat, all of it.
Julio is very excited to join The Droppers and is looking forward to crushing the skins.
Julio is a lifetime drummer bringing experience and a go getter attitude in the band. He loves playing in the pocket but can crank out John Bohnam like solos when needed. His attention to dynamics and perfect tempo are rarely seen in drummers now days. Before joining The Droppers, Julio was usually the only one in the band to play with his shirt off, he now has a good partner in crime in Joe who also likes to take his shirt off. Keep an eye out for lots of flesh and plenty of tunes.